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cinal EX pro


Characteristics of Cinal EX Pro
Granules/Chewable Tablets

  • Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets
    contain 2000 mg of high-purity ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
    the maximum daily dose for adults.

    Vitamin C with a high purity of over 99% works directly at the cellular level. This pharmaceutical has been found to be effective and its quality is guaranteed.

    Read about the effectiveness of
    Cinal EX Pro Granules here.
    Read about the effectiveness of
    EX Pro Chewable Tablets here.

    What does vitamin C
    do for the body?

    Vitamin C
    Vitamin C is known to have as many as 40 functions in the human body.
    • “Prevents skin spots
      and freckles
      • 1Prevents skin spots
        Vitamin C suppresses the formation of skin spots by inhibiting eumelanin (black-brown melanin) synthesis, which is the cause of skin spots.
      • 2Lightens skin spots
        Vitamin C reduces synthesized eumelanin and converts it into pheomelanin (yellow-red melanin), thereby lightening existing skin spots.
    • “Promotes
      collagen production
      Vitamin C is required for the production and retention of collagen,
      a component of skin and bones.
    • “Promotes iron absorption”
      The iron contained in grains, vegetables, and fruit is non-heme iron, which is difficult to absorb. Vitamin C works as a reducing agent for non-heme iron, increasing the absorption rate.
      Foods containing non-heme iron: spinach,komatsuna, hijiki, soybeans, etc.
    • “Helps with detoxification”
      Vitamin C is a vitamin necessary for maintaining drug-metabolizing enzymes that remove foreign substances from the body, such as chemical compounds.
    • “Vitamin C is also effective
      in the following cases!
      • When you feel fatigued
        When you feel fatigued, it means you are low on energy. Vitamin C supports the production of carnitine, which is used for energy production.
      • When you have a cold
        When you have a cold, your body uses more vitamin C to fight off pathogens. You can speed up your recovery from a cold by taking a vitamin C supplement.
  • This contains the largest amount of active
    ingredients in the history of the Cinal series.
    Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets contain four active ingredients: vitamin C, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B2, and vitamin E.
    This enhanced formula is unique to Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets.
    The active ingredients of Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets
    (in 4 packets or 12 tablets)
    Vitamin C 2,000 mg
    Calcium pantothenate 30 mg
    Vitamin B2 12 mg
    Vitamin E 30 mg
    How the active ingredients work
    • Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the synthesis of collagen in skin and cells. It has antioxidant properties, protecting cells by eliminating oxygen free radicals. Vitamin C also helps with skin pigmentation issues caused by skin spots, freckles, sunburn, or rashes by inhibiting the production of excess melanin.
    • Vitamin B5 is widely involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It supports normal functioning of the skin.
    • Vitamin B2 promotes the metabolism of fat and the breakdown of oxidized lipids. It supports the healthy functioning of the skin.
    • Vitamin E protects lipids in the body from oxidation with its antioxidant properties. It supports the normal functioning of the cells.
  • Designed to be easy to take

    This supplement was designed to be easy to take so that many people would choose it.
    • “Granule type”
      ・ It melts quickly in your mouth without water.
      ・ It can be taken from age 1.
      ・ It has a yuzu flavor with a mild sweetness.
      ・ It is sugar free.
      ・ It is sodium free.
    • “Chewable Tablet type”
      ・ It can be taken by chewing it or by letting it melt in your mouth.
      ・ It can be taken from age 3.
      ・ It has a yuzu flavor with a mild sweetness.
      ・ It is sugar free.
      ・ It is sodium free.

Product information

  • シナールEX pro 顆粒

    A Category 3 Over-the-Counter Drug

    Learn more

  • シナールEX pro チュアブル錠

    A Category 3 Over-the-Counter Drug

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History of the Cinal brand

Bringing vitamin C closer to you.

Vitamin C
The "Cinal" brand has been on the market as an over-the-counter drug for more than 60 years, and we have been continuously improving the brand to meet the needs of our customers.

Like medical-grade pharmaceutical products by Cinal, “Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets” also contain calcium pantothenate.

We highly recommend it to those who have been using Cinal brand products up until now.

Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets can be purchased at pharmacies, drug stores, and online.

Please try Cinal EX Pro Granules/Chewable Tablets.

History of
the Cinal brand

*The amount of active ingredients in the maximum daily dose for adults
Over 60 years of history as a medical-grade pharmaceutical
Over 35 years of history as an over-the-counter drug