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Choice from ointment, cream, and lotion

About three forms: ointment, cream, and lotion

Three forms of Rinderon Vs, ointment, cream, and lotion are available, and they are chosen according to the application area and conditions of the affected area.


As the ointment is less irritating than the cream and the moisturizing/protecting effect is strong, it is most frequently used. It can be applied to various lesion conditions, from moistening areas to dry areas, but it is characterized by its stickiness.


The cream is an emulsion of oil particles in water produced using an emulsifier, and it is characterized by its low stickiness. As it spreads well, it is suitable for areas where you want to avoid the stickiness of ointment, but it is not suitable for moist and oozing areas as it may be irritating.


It is a liquid containing a drug. After application, the water evaporates and the drug remaining in the skin exerts the effect. Because it is slightly irritating, it is not suitable for oozing lesions, but it is suitable for hairy areas, where it is difficult to apply ointment and cream.

Differences among ointment, cream, and lotion

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  Ointment Cream Lotion
Base Oil Emulsion of water and oil Emulsion of water and oil
(※ it contains more water than cream)
Irritating property Weak Stronger than ointment Stronger than ointment.
Stickiness Strong As it contains water, it spreads well and is less sticky Less sticky than ointment and cream.
Skin absorption Slower than cream Easy to be absorbed More easily absorbed than ointment.
Affected areas appropriate for use Can be applied to all affected areas under any conditions.
Can be applied to patients who have sensitive skin because it is less irritating.
Suitable for application mainly to dry areas.
Not suitable to oozy lesions or areas with wounds.
Suitable for hairy areas such as the scalp, where it is difficult to apply ointment and cream. Not suitable for oozy lesions or areas with wounds
Advantages and disadvantages Keeps the skin moist and protects the skin. With its fresh and good feeling, often switched from ointment in summer but easily washed off by sweat. It spreads well and gives a fresh and good feeling when used. It contains a lot of water and easily evaporates, so it is easy to use when your body is sweaty in summer.
About Rinderon Vs
  • How to buy
    Rinderon Vs can be bought from a pharmacist or registered seller at a pharmacy/drugstore.
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  • FAQ about topical steroids
    Frequently asked questions about Rinderon Vs, such as how to apply and application considerations, are listed.
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  • For your better understanding
    Rinderon Vs is a designated class 2 OTC drug.
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topical steroids

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Proper use of ointments and creams according to the situation
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Three type of topical steroids

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